Attempted murder suicide

$6,020 of $9,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00

On September 25th at approximately 8:30 am our lives were forever changed. Our 24-year-old daughter Jalen was shot by her son’s father 3 times. After shooting her he proceeded to take his own life. Jalen was shot 2 times in the face and once in the back as she hovered over her 6-week-old baby trying to protect him.
Jalen was ultimately life-flighted to Grady Memorial in Atlanta where she remains. Unfortunately, Jalen has yet to regain any feeling in her lower extremities and it is looking like she may not. We are now faced with helping to raise our grandson while financially supporting Jalen and Ja’siah. Jalen has a lengthy hospital stent ahead of her which includes multiple surgeries followed by a lengthy rehab stay.
This is a parent’s worst nightmare and one I would never wish on anyone. Jalen has the kindest heart and was merely trying to allow her son’s father an opportunity to be just that. He had this vicious attack planned and her life course has forever been altered as has ours. As the parents of 7, the youngest being 8, we were in no way shape, or form prepared for this tragedy. We are now faced with God only knows what medical bills, getting Ja’siah into daycare, making any modifications that may be needed to our home, taking over Jalen’s finances and honestly at this point, we are not sure what else.
What I can tell you is our family is strong, as I said above we have 7 amazing kids all of whom will rally behind Jalen and Ja’siah. Our family is taking this on while my husband is also battling stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma. Most would throw in the towel but we are ready to take this head on. Our daughter is a hero, she protected her sweet baby boy while putting up the fight of her life. She should not be here so I have no doubt she has lots left to accomplish on this Earth. We hate to ask anyone for anything as we both work very hard to provide for our family but any help big or small would be appreciated.Â