G.G.’s Go Get ‘Em Journey

$1,300 of $4,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00

G.G. stands for Great Grandma or Glorious Grandma or Gracious Grandma or Gnarly Grandma, she is all this and more to our family. I am Amber, her grandaughter.

Unfortunately G.G. has been struck with not just one, but two different cancers and we need your help financially to give her the best possible outcome.
The money I am asking for will be used to purchase extra vitamins, minerals, supplements, expensive dietary changes, fuel to get to treatments & hospital visits…. & all the other stuff we need to embrace that has not yet presented itself.

I could waffle on about what I do and how little I earn, how urgently I need this help and explain why I was too proud to ask for help sooner….but you probably don’t have time to read about all that….the fact is we need help financially and if you are in a position to help us out I would love to accept your generosity.

G.G. says to me she just wants to feel normal again
, all I want to do is give her the most normal feeling day that I possibly can – more energy, less pain – and hopefully rid her body of cancer. I would love to pass on any and all valuable insight, progress and learning about this disease to others to help them with their fight as well. I feel that the extra things we can get, but can’t afford to, will assist with my Gran with feeling normal again.

She has always been there for me no matter what, and it is now time for me to be there for her, but without extra money, and no more hours left in the day to give to the already poor wage that I earn, I am at a loss at how to make this work anymore, my savings are all used up…and I also have two kids that I am neglecting in many respects just to make this work day to day.

I am happy to payback anyone at a later date when things become manageable again. If you would like to forward your paypal email address, I can keep a record of those that give, I will do my best to get it back to you asap. (Please do not donate if you are doing it hard yourself, I do not want anyone else struggling as a result of my Gran’s condition.)

The pictures I have included of G.G. are in her recent better days when she could still get out and about. This was our last outing together for our birthdays in 2014 – we were born on the same day! – I was so glad she was able to do the boardwalk walk and see the beautiful forest.

Thanks for taking the time out to read this, if you have $1 or more to spare I would be so very grateful.
Peace & Love
Amber x