Parvo puppies, spay mom, and vaccinate

$1,200 of $3,200 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00

Hello everyone! We have a mother German Shepherd in the Pogradec area who has been breeding puppies for about 5 years. Unfortunately, out of all her litters, only 2 puppies have survived. One is 2 years old, and the other is one year old. We recently had a spay campaign, but couldn’t spay the mother at that time because she was heavily pregnant and gave birth the day after. She had 6 puppies, and despite vaccinating them three weeks ago, they all contracted parvo. We rushed them to the clinic for treatment. One died the first day and the rest lasted about 3 days, but sadly, 5 of them have passed away. There is only one remaining puppy, a little white German Shepherd, who is currently receiving treatment and showing signs of improvement. It’s heartbreaking to see the mother lose her babies to viruses with each litter. We urgently need to spay her to prevent further suffering. We also need to buy vaccines for all the other puppies in the area to protect them from this terrible virus. The veterinary bills have accumulated due to the clinic stay for the parvo puppies, buying vaccines and spaying the mother. We kindly request your assistance in covering these expenses.

$300 for 6 puppies. One is still in care.

$100 spaying of the mother

$100 for bulk vaccines and dewormer