Prayers for Joel

$2,100 of $6,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00

9 Year old Joel Boase-Senge from Darwin Australia unfortunately developed a life threatening brain tumor which was diagnosed at the Royal Darwin Hospital on the 29th October. Joel along with his family (Simone – mum and David – dad, plus his two younger siblings) were medically flown down to Adelaide South Australia the following morning for immediate surgery to remove the tumour.

The Neurosurgeons indicated that Joel had a forty to fifty percent chance of surviving the marathon 7 hour operation due to the size of the tumour which took up almost the whole back half of his brain and had spread all the way to the third vertebrae in his spinal column.

Fortunately Joel survived the life saving operation and is recovering well.  Recently the family was told that it will be at least 6 months before they can return home! Joel will also require lots of rehabilitation to relearn how to walk, talk and swallow. He still has a long road ahead of him with further treatments of chemo or radio therapy to ensure that any remaining tumour does not spread or come back.

Not only is the family worried about their precious little boy, they also have the financial stresses of paying the bills back home while they are away.

Please we ask of you wonderful, caring people that any donations big or small will help take some heavy stresses off their shoulders.

Thank you so much in advance!!!